Analysis on Dataset available with baby name using SPARK -Core

Map Reduce | Pig | Hive
------------------------------------------------SQL & Hive | StreamingML | GraphX
MongoDB HBase
Data Ingestion Tools
Sqoop Flume

Project Introduction:

Domain -
Technology Use -  SPARK CORE (using scala)
DataSet -  part-r-00001_gz.parquet (DataSet Link:

This data comes from the United States Social Security Administration.Here in this dataset, for each year,we have baby names and total how manytimes that name was used in that year.This data has following fields in file.
Lets write some Spark SQL code to analyse this data.Lets use Scala shell to write this code.

// Lets load this file in dataframe
val df ="part-r-00001_gz.parquet")
//we need to define a utility function. The DataFrame SCala API doesn't support the SQL `LOWER` function. To ensure that our data matches up properly, it'd be nice to force the names to lower case before doing the match. Fortunately, it's easy to define our own `LOWER` function:

val lower = sqlContext.udf.register("lower", (s: String) => s.toLowerCase)

Q-1)How many distinct name available in our dataset$"firstName")).distinct.count
res10: Long = 45019

2) Let's use the original data frame to find the five most popular names for girls born in 1980
(df.filter(df("year") === 1980).filter(df("gender") === "F").orderBy(df("total").desc, df("firstName")).select("firstName").limit(5)).show
Result:+---------+|firstName|+---------+| Jennifer|| Amanda|| Jessica|| Melissa|| Sarah|+---------+

3)How popular were the top 10 female names of 1890 back in 1880

//Let's use two views of our data to answer this question: How popular were the top 10 female names of 1890 back in 1880?

val ssn1890 = df.filter($"year" === 1890).select($"total".as("total1890"),$"gender".as("gender1890"),lower($"firstName").as("name1890"))
val ssn1880 = df.filter($"year" === 1880).select($"total".as("total1880"),$"gender".as("gender1880"),lower($"firstName").as("name1880"))

// Now, let's find out how popular the top 10 1890 girls' names were in 1880.

val joined = ssn1890.join(ssn1880, ($"name1890" === $"name1880") && ($"gender1890" === $"gender1880")).filter($"gender1890" === "F").orderBy($"total1890".desc).limit(10).select($"name1890".as("BabyName"), $"total1880", $"total1890")

+---------+---------+---------+| BabyName|total1880|total1890|+---------+---------+---------+| mary| 7065| 12078|| anna| 2604| 5233||elizabeth| 1939| 3112|| margaret| 1578| 3100|| emma| 2003| 2980|| florence| 1063| 2745|| ethel| 633| 2718|| minnie| 1746| 2650|| clara| 1226| 2496|| bertha| 1320| 2388|+---------+---------+---------+


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